
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

[GUIDE] How to make a backup of your rom using MTK Droid Tools

Since alot of Chinese rebranded/branded phones are now coming into the Philippines and mostly all of them are using Mediatek Chipset (MTK65xx), we can use MTK Droid Tools by rua1 to create a full rom backup which we can then use to flash back to the rom using SPFT (SP Flash Tool).

Creating a backup would allow you to fix any bricks, bootloop problems you may encounter with your mtk mobile phone. So if your up for a bit of an adventure then continue reading the procedure below.


An MTK65xx Phone with at least 75-100% charged phone
MTK Droid Tools (2.4.5 or 2.4.6) Newer version can be check at the XDA Thread
NOTE: Download the ADB Usb Drivers and the MTK Droid Tools choose any version 2.4.5 or 2.46 or newer and save them to a folder you can easily go to later on.

Once both files are downloaded let us first install the drivers that we will be using. Once the usb drivers are extracted you should see files like the one below and we need to right-click on the "android_winusb" then choose install.

You will also receive a pop up similar to this one we need to choose Install this Driver Software Anyway. Then another pop up will appear showing that the operation was successful.

We now need to open the MTK Droid tools and just extract the contents. (Its a self extracting application by default it will extract the contents to the same location of the exe file). The contents would of the file would be similar to the image below.

 Now since all the file for the computer are finished let us get the MTK phone ready for the backup process. We need to enable "Developers options" under settings and put a tick mark on "USB debugging". It should look something like the image below. Once both options are enabled connect the phone to the computer.(Optional : Enable Stay Awake)

Let us now open MTKDroidTools and you will see your Phone Information.

Click on "Root, Backup, Recovery" tab. We can see that the backup option is grayed out. If you want to learn more about the other options just hover your mouse on an item then it should tell you what that option is all about.

Click on the "Root" button on the lower right hand corner and you may receive a pop up requesting for root access choose "Yes" this only appears if your device is already rooted. But if your not rooted a different pop up will appear nevertheless choose "Yes" to confirm. 

Also if your device is not rooted it will be be rooted temporarily while we are backing up the rom but after the process is complete and you restart the phone it will be unrooted.

When root access has been confirmed we will see that the previous options that are grayed out are now available. Since we want to backup our rom we need to click on the "Backup" button. Again if you want to know what the other option does hover your mouse and it should tell you what its for.

After we click on the "Backup" button the process will now start. It may take at least 30 minutes to an 1 hour depending on how many apps installed on your phone.

During the backup process you may see a pop up asking if you want to make a compressed file for the backup. You can choose "No" if you don't want and it saves some time  but I would recommend to choose the later one so you can have 2 backups at the same time.

Once the backup has been completed check out the folder that contains your MTK Droid Tools application and you will see a folder named backup. The folder will contain all the images that you can use to flash using SP Flash tool and a zip file which is just a compressed files of the backup created by the droid tool. You can also see on your phone that there is a new folder named clockwordkmod inside that there will also be a images that you can use to backup your rom using Clockworkmod (CWM).

This is guide is a quick guide on how to create a full rom backup even if your not rooted or if you don't have Clockworkmod Recovery (TWRP) , Teamwin (TWRP) as your recovery installed on your phone. This can also fix bricked phones,boot loop, stuck on boot screen issues as long as your phone is detected on the computer (hear a beep when phone is connected). Next guide will be on how to flash your newly created backup using SP Flash tool.

Yuweng of xda
rua1 for creating MTK Droid Tools
MyPhone/Micromax team for creating this awesome phone and for custom roms
Cherry Mobile for my previous android phones

[GUIDE]Flashing MTK Droid Tools backup using SP Flash Tool

This is a quick guide where you can flash the backup that you had made using MTK Droid Tools on my previous post. If you have not created a backup yet then click on this LINK and create one. Creating a stock rom backup is essential if you find your device not booting, getting stuck on splash screen/bootanimation or if you just want to revert back to your stock rom.

VCOM Drivers : MTK65xx Preloader Drivers
SP Flash Tool : v3.1304
Backup created by MTK Droid Tools or Gscript

NOTE: Make sure that you are flashing the correct rom for your device if not you may end up with a nice paper weight. Also make it a habit to not flash the PRELOADER and the DSP_BL file even if the backup came from your own device. The site nor the author will not responsible if you brick or damage your device/computer by doing the steps below.

First install the vcom drivers on your computer provided on the link above. Now once the installation is complete extract the SP Flash tool to your desktop or any location where you can easily access it.  Open "Flash_tool.exe". (Check image below for reference)

Click on "Scatter-loading" on the right side and locate the scatter text file. There are other software which can create scatter text file but in this case we will be using the one that was created automatically by the MTK Droid tool. Once the scatter text has been loaded you will see a similar image below. (If you are getting an error message when loading the scatter text delete the preloaded file from your backup)

Now if you don't want to flash all the images like you only want to flash boot.img or recovery.img then remove the check mark on the other images. In the picture below I will only be flashing the recovery.img.

Click on "Download" button on the top and if you have deleted the "preloader" file or have not selected all images. A message would tell you that "Not all images are loaded. Do you want to continue?" We can just click on "YES" if you want to select more images to flash click "No".

We need to connect the mobile phone to the computer but before doing that we can do either one of the steps below.

Option A.
Turn off your phone and remove the battery. Then once the battery has been removed connect the phone to your computer then reinsert the battery.

Option B
Turn off your mobile phone and remove the battery for a few seconds. Reinsert the battery then connect the phone to the computer.

Once you have connected the mobile phone to the computer we should get a response from the SP Flash tool with a red bar on the bottom. If not try re-doing option A or B until you see a response from the program. (See image below)

The red bar will be replaced with a yellow bar which is an indication that the images selected are now being flashed to your mobile phone. Once the process has been successful there would be another popup with a green circle.

You can now disconnect your mobile phone from the computer then power it on.

[ROM] Scavenger Rom for A919i Finally Released

The much awaited Scavenger Rom was released a few hours ago by Jaymar of the A919i group. This rom would provide you with a Samsung S4 user interface and other S4 features. This rom would or should work with Micromax Canvass HD and Fly IQ451.

Coming from Stock 4.2 I did not hesitate to download and flash the rom and test it out. After 5 or 10 minutes of testing it I find that the navigation is very smooth and responsive. And what I like about this are the minimal apps that are installed on this custom rom.

Here are a few details about this rom: (Taken from the FB Page)

1. S4 UI (Status, Toggle, Sounds, Wallpaper, Boot Logo/Animation/Sound, Touchwiz Launcher, Lens Flare Lockscreen (for V4 Only) and Samsung Task Manager)
3. V4 built in pop up play v3 pre-installed
4. Base on android 4.2.1
5. Android 4.2.2 Keyboard with swipe support
6. Super Smooth
7. Updated Google Play

Here are a few pictures of the rom and a quadrant results.

There are also two versions of this rom. The first rom is "V4" where it only supports a single sim bringingyourcloser to a more Samsung S4 feeling, while the "V3" supports dual sim capability.

If you want to try and test out the rom on your device A919i/MX Canvass HD/Fly IQ451 then you can check the downlaod link below for the two version.

Scavenger V3S (Dual Sim): Download Link
Scavenger V4 (Single Sim): Download Link

Patch 1 (Scavenger ROM V3 and V4 Mobile data and Charging off animation Patch)

Installation Guide:

1. Device must has TWRP or CWM as your recovery.
2. Downlaod and copy the rom to your phone storage or microsd card.
3. Wipe Factory Data/Reset. This would wipe all installed apps and information on your device so make a backup.
4. Flash the Rom.
5. Enjoy

After Installation Notes:
0. Do not activate quick boot it will cause dead boot.
1. Go to settings > Developer Options> Force GPU Rendering = Check
2. Go to settings > Developer Options> Window animation scale = .5x
    Transition Scale = .5x ; Animator Duration Scale =.5x
 For other questions or problems and feedback about the rom then join our Facebook page by clicking on this link.

Jaymar Dela Cruz
MylPhone Team and Devs

[Application] Oist! SMS and Voice Call for Filipinos

While I was chatting with my friend on facebook she told me about a new software that will allow you to send SMS and make voice calls for free in the Philippines which was named "Oist!".

I was thinking whats the difference between this software and the others recently released programs namely Line,WeChat and Skype which would allow you the same functions. So the curiousity in me finally won and I downloaded the software from Google Playstore. 

Below is the full description of the program thanks to google playstore.

Here are a few screenshot about tha program. And the quick Installation guide which is similar to other programs.

I would also like to add that I have only tested the SMS function of this app where I send a test message to my number and I receive the message almost instantly upon sending it. ^ ^

So if you want to try out the program then download the app for free at Google Playstore.